Search Happy Ganesh Astrology

Saturday, August 7, 2010

In the recent manifestation class on August 5th, 2010, I discussed New Moon Manifestation, specifically the New Moon in Leo. The New Moon will be in Leo on August 9th, moving from Cancer into Leo at approximately 11:08 PM.


New Moons and Full Moons


We can use New Moons to harness fresh energy. Full Moons do the opposite - help us to get rid of old energy or close out old issues or projects. And while we're on the topic, what is a New Moon?

A New Moon is when both the sun and the moon fall in the same sign. This creates a clear flow of that sign's energy. On August 9th, both the sun and the moon will be in Leo. (Full Moons are when the moon is in the opposite sign from the sun. For example, a Full Moon would be Sun in Leo/Moon in Aquarius or vice versa.


New Moons and Manifestation


The New Moon in Leo on 8/9 will be in effect for about 2 1/2 days - plenty of time for manifestation!


During the New Moon in Leo, it's a perfect time to create a space to bring in any wishes or manifestations that deal with Leo energy: creativity, children, love relationships, fun, excitment, and play are just a few examples. Do you want to manifest more freedom to create? Clearer and happier relationships with children? How about the kind of lover or love relationship that you desire? Good, old fashioned fun? Use the New Moon in Leo to support and facilitate these dreams and desires.


Colors to Manifest With


If you choose to work with candles or colors, your best bet is a candle that either relates to the 4th Chakra (Heart) or is red, yellow, or orange, the vibrant colors of the sun, the ruler of Leo! Many of my clients write their favorite Leo keywords on their candle. You don't have to use a candle, however; many people also use vision boards. Some simply find a quiet space to meditate on their "Leo" desires. (Having a candle helps because it gets you physically involved in the process of creating, but intention is all about a clear, focused heart. Have a strong desire? Then you're good to go!)


Keywords and Colors to Manifest With:







Other People's Children






Heart Centered





Love Affairs


The Sun





Jan Spiller also did  great work in this area - "New Moon Astrology" deals with these issues.



What New Moon in Leo area do you want to create or improve in your life? I'm interested to hear your stories of manifestation. Shoot me a comment and tell me!



Be well,
