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Sunday, May 15, 2011

CBS Spots and Two HG Radio Shows!

[caption id="attachment_179" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="The Happy Ganesh Radio Spot is UP on CBS RADIO!"][/caption]

The culmination of weeks of hard work is finally ready.

The official Happy Ganesh Radio Spot can be heard on April Claxton's CBS Radio show The Movement Within, Mondays at 6 pm.

*** To hear the CBS Spot, go to about 18 minutes, 7 seconds in.***

Amazing! A special thanks to April Claxton - who interviews Jillian Maas Backman author of Beyond the Pews on this episode. As always, Claxton is fantastic - and the interview with Mass Backman is very interesting!

Speaking of interesting, we've got TWO radio shows coming up!

1)  The Happy Ganesh Show: Starting Wednesday May 18th, The Happy Ganesh Show on's  will air on The Movement Within channel. We'll talk about our two passions - astrology and writing/publishing! Get your astrology/intuitive and creative writing/publishing questions ready for the question portion of the show! Please keep your questions brief as time will be limited.

2) Happy Ganesh Writing and Homework Help on the Happy Ganesh BlogtalkRadio Channel: Starting June 5th, Mondays at 5 pm, join me for homework and writing help! This show will be on the Happy Ganesh Blogtalk Channel! Follow us! I'm a professional educator, writer, and editor, and I've worked in higher education for over a decade. I'll answer questions about APA and MLA style, grammar questions, and college level test prep! This show is geared to both writers and students from middle school age to the doctorate level. Need to know what a comma does? How do you start your paper? What constitutes plagiarism in a research paper? I'll answer these questions for free on air, starting Mondays, June 5th!

I am  grateful to you, the loyal clients and friends who read Happy Ganesh on a regular basis. It is because of you - your willingness to go deeper within your own nature, and your commitment to yourself through exploring writing or intuitive services - that inspires me to deepen my own faith in the universe.

Til next time,
