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Monday, August 15, 2011

Full Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Leo

Tonight, on August 13, the Full Moon in Aquarius comes to town. As always, Full Moons are indicative of some kind of completion. Any time you’re dealing with Aquarius energy, it’s like looking at a download of universal information – something is changing, something is happening, everything is shifting – with an eye toward freedom and friendship – for the better. With the Full Moon in Aquarius, we’re dealing with the power and magic of groups and community – and the unique way that those arenas are serving to nurture your Leo style (creative, flamboyant) dreams.
Do you have the larger picture of group support and true friendship (AQUARIUS FULL MOON) in place so that you can realize your dreams of creativity and dramatic self-expression (LEO NEW MOON, EARLER THIS MONTH)?
As always, the New Moon opens the cycle while the Full Moon closes it and brings it to completion. This is a great time to focus on Aquarius-style themes such as
  • communities
  • thinking about  - and planning for –  a transformative, freedom-loving future
  • your place in the unique world of social technology or the internet
  • friendships that offer a lot of freedom to be yourself
  • breaking down old ways and re-establishing new forms of living
If you have Aquarius in _________ House, You’ll Be Finding Friendship and Freedom (or Huge, Aquarius-style, Life Altering Changes For the Better!) in the Areas of ______.
1st house – Self-Love
2nd house – Money
3rd house – communication and neighbors
4th – home
5th – love/creativity/children
6th – work
7th – marriage partners and divorce partners
8th – sex/death/other people’s money
9th – travel and learning
10th – career
11th – friendship/freedom/groups
12th – secrets
Have questions? Want a personal reading? Feel free to drop a line at Piece is Up!

The Books and Books reading was a smashing success. More on that later, but in the meantime, here’s the fantastic ad that ran in the Books and Books flier.
(It seems that Retrograde has come to the HG blog. We’re having some slight technical difficulties this week, so please copy and paste the above link into your web browser to view the ad.)
Also, a few weeks ago, the lovely folks over at comissioned a blog piece about grammar in the real world. It’s up, it’s funny, and we’re darn proud of it – and plus, the team are amazing, intelligent people who really believe in the power of the written word to change the world. Thanks!
Check out the piece over at the writing side of Happy Ganesh. 

Mercury in Retrograde (8/2-8/26)

On this, the second day of Mercury in Retrograde Leo (and in Virgo from 8/8-8/26), communication in the areas of self love (Leo) and health (Virgo) will be coming back around. If we don’t show ourselves to ourselves, we can never be healed.
What does this mean on a deeper level? First of all, as usual, Retro requires a certain amount of patience. It’s not a good idea to run around doing any of the following:
  • signing paperwork
  • making commitments that you can’t undo later
  • buying large electronic items such as a car or a computer. If there’s no way around this, it’s a good idea to check the return policies, just in case.
Mercury in Retrograde has unique lessons for us, especially when the Mercury is split. In other words, we’re going to have Mercury Retrograde in picky, health-focused, type A, organized Virgo
until 8/8 and then from 8/8 to 8/26, Mercury in Retrograde will be in courageous, heart-centered Leo
. Focus on where you have those two planets. For example, if your Sun or Rising Sign is in Leo, expect your self esteem and communication to feel a little shaky (and potentially healing) until 8/8 when you can expect communication about financial concerns to take on a whole different light. People sometimes don’t mean what they say or written communications can become hazy. Be careful to clarify what you mean.
Not sure? Feel free to contact me at for more details or for a full reading.