Search Happy Ganesh Astrology

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Moon in Taurus

[caption id="attachment_48" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="New Moon in Taurus on May 2/3"][/caption]

It's been a quiet week at the HG blog but today we are back to make up for the lost days during the week.

We're going to head into our New Moon in Taurus on May 2/3. As always, the New Moon brings us chances to manifest new starts in the month and will only last about 2.5 days. With a New Moon in Taurus, we can create positive change around the following issues and questions.

  • money

  • values

  • self worth and self esteem

  • the connection between money and abundance in your life

  • What does abundance mean to you?

  • What are your personal values?

  • feelings around femininity and beauty

  • creating beauty around you

  • getting involved in some kind of an artistic project that brings value or meaning to you.

  • property or real estate - and their personal meaning for you

Take advantage of this powerful 2 day burst of energy. Want more? Consider a personal reading.

And remember to get your questions ready for the Happy Ganesh show on May 18th!


Til next time,


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter (and a late Happy Passover!) to All Those Who Celebrate!

**More YoutubeGoodness. If you're viewing this in an email, please click through to the blog.)

Dear friends,

Let Snoopy do his happy dance.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

Happy Passover to those who celebrate it --- a little late on that one!

Happy holidays from HG.


Weekend Update: "Happy Ganesh" Coming to Blogtalk!

***This article contains Youtube videos! If you're reading this in an email, please click through to the blog to experience the videos!***

[caption id="attachment_191" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="On 5/18, Happy Ganesh Radio Comes to Blogtalk for the World's First Radio Show All About Astrology - and Writing/Publishing!"][/caption]

Starting Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 6:30 pm, Happy Ganesh comes to Blogtalk Radio! This is the first show on the web to merge the worlds of astrology AND publishing/writing. Love astrology and want to write? Already a writer and curious about astrology? Just plain love both?

Join me for a solid hour as we talk about what's happening astrologically (and intuitively), and what's happening in the publishing world! We'll take questions by email or live in the Blogtalk chat room for the astrology portion of the show! From astrology to writing and back again, join us on Wednesday, May 18th!

The HG Radio show will focus on

  • weekly astrological themes

  • live audience questions from the chatroom -- about either astrology, intuitive answers, or publishing. This means that I'll answer any question that you have for free.

  • writing and how to create

  • publishing and what's up in the publishing world

  • Expect live interviews with writers and publishers -- and astrologers and intuitives!

AND --- remember that we're also sponsoring The Movement Within on CBS's The Sky Radio on 5/2 at 6 pm!!

Orson Welles Was on The Radio, Too

All this radio talk reminds me of the classic 1938 Halloween "H.G. Wells/War of the Worlds" Broadcast by Hollywood writer, director producer and genius Orson Welles, when Welles and his Mercury Theater company accidentally convinced the entire country  that we were being attacked by aliens from another planet. America didn't realize that they were listening to a radio broadcast based on a classic sci-fi novel, and Welles vastly underestimated the potential hilariousness of the situation.

Of course this would never fly today - like Orson's alien spaceships! Oh, we'll be here all week! Since this was before Youtube, major newspapers in the country reported that we were being attacked by aliens.  Yes, really. I mean, major newspapers. ( Think about that.)

[caption id="attachment_192" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="One Giant Leap for a Sci-Fi Classic, One Hilarious, Anxiety-inducing Panic Attack for America."][/caption]

In the pre-social-networking era of the 30s, Welles single-handedly had the entire country in an uproar and actually had to hold a press conference to, um, let Americas know that we were not about to be killed by an intergalactic war.

The whole point of this little historical tidbit was to promise that Happy Ganesh is not responsible for any similar confusion and will do our best to avoid accidentally creating a national incident. ;-)

However, here's Orson, accidentally making broadcasting history and inciting the country to have a massive, massive panic attack.


Happy weekend (and Happy Easter!) all.

- M