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Friday, July 16, 2010

New feed, The Psychic Fair, and Distance Readings!

The RSS feeds and Twitter feeds are up and running! Huzzah! Do a little dance, make a little love, get down subscribing to Happy Ganesh! You'll always get fresh content here, direct from HG and sent - with love and sushi - to you.

Also, if you're in South Florida, stop by Modern Zen tomorrow for the Psychic Fair! Want details? Check out the Modern Zen Facebook page, listed in the Blogroll to the left, or just click here  modernzenstore.

Also, I do distance readings as well as in-person readings. If you want one, scoot on over to the Contact Me section.


panyvinito said...

Hi Marissa! I missed the fair, but I will make it to the next one! Please post the dates of the upcoming events!

katherine heigl daughter said...

Recycling Old Bridesmaid Dresses As Costumes For Your Kids...

The movie 27 Dresses starring Katherine Heigl tells the story of a woman who has difficulty saying no; consequently, she has been a bridesmaid on 27 different occasions, but never a bride....

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