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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Full Moon in Scorpio on May 14 Forces Us to Our Depths

The Full Moon in Scorpio is an intense one! 

Thanks to the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 14, 2014, we're looking down the barrel of major change.

The Meaning of New Moons and Full Moons

A New Moon means that a situation is opening for us. New changes and chances which have to do with wherever the New Moon is are now alive for us. On the flip side, a Full Moon is kicking out old concepts and situations that are fueled by the Full Moon. In others words, New Moons start things; Full Moons bring endings or chances to let go.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 14, 2014

The Full Moon in Scorpio is forcing us to ask large questions about Scorpio topics: sex, death, soul mates, gut-level seismic changes - and asking us what we need to drop or get rid of. What needs a major clear out? With the Full Moon settling in Scorpio for this night, we're being asked by the universe if we have passion and intensity in our lives. Are our souls happy? With the Full Moon in Scorpio, we're karmically charged with fulfilling our own joy at the spiritual, foundational level. If it's shallow, it won't pass muster.  What has to go so that we can be truly happy? What must we create?

What You Need to Know

With the Full Moon in Scorpio, we must

* Lean in
*Dive deep
*Go to the depths 
*Get real
* Follow heart and emotions which will help us process this intensity

---- about the level of deep joy and passion in our lives. Are we living our lives from an authentic and joyful place? Or are we content to stay on the surface with pleasures that don't touch our soul?

Other Planets Contributing To This

The Sun in Taurus is holding up the other end of pleasure: what are our senses doing? Are we happy in our bodies? Are we able to GROW money, not just put it in the bank? 

Saturn in Scorpio is conjunct to this Full Moon in Scorpio. Saturn ties in these Full Moon lessons into deep questions about life lessons and karmic realities. Saturn teaches us Big Lessons and this Saturn is showing us that this Full Moon in Scorpio offers us powerful lessons about our spiritual realities and what needs to change in order to bring us fulfillment. 

Saturn in Scorpio links up with two other planets to form a Grand Trine in three planets: Jupiter in Cancer (luck in dealing...with family) and Chiron (the sign of the wounded healer) in Pisces, indicating that this is a great time of luck and healing deep wounds around personal dreams.
Want to know how this impacts your personal chart? Contact me for a reading.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Everyday Mysticism: Grace Cathedral, Hildegard of Bingen, and Labyrinths

Hildegard of Bingen: Spiritual BadA**

Hello! After a long and much needed break, we're back and ready to chat about mysticism, astrology, and more!

What is everyday mysticism?

Everyday mysticism means to live your life in a conscious way. It means finding the small miracles in the world because small miracles are always there. Find the silence. Understand your heart. Listen, and if that doesn't work, listen again. And again. And again. (Turn off the cell phone to really listen to your soul.)

How can I do that? 

Journal. Even five minutes of writing can reconnect you with your true purpose. Meditate. Silence isn't just golden, it's the key to unlocking what you really need in the moment. Carve out time for YOU. In our hectic, tech-driven world, it's important to power down so we can plug our souls into something bigger than us - universal energy and love.

Sacred labyrinth power  with
Dr. Lauren Artress
On Happy Ganesh's Facebook and Twitter pages, you mentioned a book called Walking a Sacred Path by Dr. Lauren Artress. What made you recommend  that book to your hundreds of followers?

I'm a big fan of what I call "meditative walking" - when I throw on some sneakers, grab my iPod, and talk a very, very long brisk walk. I love either walking in our neighborhood or walking in the local woods. Trees inspire and revive me. Nature gives me a feeling of excitement and adventure: my inner five year old goes, "Where are we going?"

That love of contemplation and nature drew me to Walking a Sacred Path - but, as the universe truly works in divine and perfect ways, usually when I least expect it, I didn't know I was being "drawn" to it. I bought it at a book sale because it was fifty cents! Much to my great surprise, I learned later that Dr. Lauren Artress , the author, is  responsible for the labyrinth at the welcoming and wonderful Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, one of my favorite spiritual spots!

 I had a chance to visit Grace Cathedral over Christmas 2013 and I was so moved by the beauty and tranquility of the space that I began to cry. Due to the holiday festivities, I didn't have a chance to walk the labyrinth but I look forward to doing so very soon. Movement is sacred. And at the heart of the labyrinth lies awareness, answers, visions, truth? All of the above, perhaps.

 One of my favorite quotes from the book is about the spiritual philosophy of Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th century mystic and theologian:

Hildegard of Bingen was [...] an author of theology that knitted together nature and spirit, cosmos and soul.  She described the [Spirit] as the greening power of God. Just as plants are greened, so are we as well. As we grow up, our spark of life continually shines forth. If we ignore this spark, this greening power, we become thirsty and shriveled. And if we respond to the spark, we flower. (Walking a Sacred Path, Artress, 1995, p.15)

What will you do this week to contribute to the "greening" of your soul and inner life? Will you use walking or hiking to hear your spirit? Or will you choose another form of awareness?